Funds Available for Events and Visitor Development Projects 

September 13, 2021—Kalispell, Montana—As part of its mission to strengthen Kalispell’s tourism economy, Discover Kalispell is accepting applications for event and visitor development grants, with $12,000 available this fiscal year to assist qualified offerings and projects.

“Through our event grant program, we provide support for events that bring overnight visitors to Kalispell,” said Diane Medler, Executive Director of Discover Kalispell, the Kalispell Convention & Visitor Bureau. “And with our visitor development grant, we’re able to help ensure destination vibrancy, while continuing to make Kalispell a welcoming place for visitors.”

Discover Kalispell started its grant program in 2015 and since its inception, 43 grants have been awarded and implemented. Funding for the grant program comes directly from the Kalispell Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID), and applications are reviewed and voted on by the TBID Board of Directors.

“Grants help bring events to Kalispell that have a strong impact on our local economy,” said Medler. “The events that utilize our grants program take place outside of our high season of summer, which helps provide more sustainable year-round visitation and tourism spending.”

Examples of past grant projects from fiscal year 2021 include trail map kiosks and signage at Foy’s to Blacktail Trails and support for the state cross-country meet, state AA boys wrestling tournament and the Kalispell PBR event.

“Through grant support from Discover Kalispell’s TBID, we’ve been able to bring more community art to Kalispell’s public spaces,” said Kip Smith, Project Coordinator, Rails to Trails of NW Montana. “This art helps beautify Kalispell, while bringing enjoyment to residents and visitors alike.”

Grant funds are available to local businesses, organizations and individuals who have a vision for a project to add to Kalispell’s visitor amenities including cultural, wayfinding, historical or outdoor features.  Examples include murals or other public art, visitor kiosks, interpretive signage, bike service stations, apps showcasing our trail system, art installations or other amenities. 

To apply for funding for events, the event must produce room nights at Kalispell hotels, promote Kalispell lodging facilities and include destination information in marketing materials. For visitor development grants, qualifying projects must enhance the Kalispell visitor experience, be located in Kalispell and have 50:50 matching funds. Grant funds are available throughout the year and awarded based on available funds and qualifications.  

For the full list of application requirements for both events and visitor development grants, visit

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About Discover Kalispell

Discover Kalispell, the Kalispell Convention & Visitor Bureau, is the designated marketing organization for the city of Kalispell and is a division of the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce. The organization is funded by the state accommodations tax and the Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) fee. Anchoring the Flathead Valley, Kalispell is a destination that combines accessible amenities, touchable history and a charming downtown with Montana’s wide-open spaces and endless outdoor recreation. It’s also located within minutes of Glacier National Park, Flathead Lake, the Jewel Basin and many public parks and trail systems. More information can be found at or on social media at Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as #DiscoverKalispell.


Tia Troy

406.529.8314, [email protected]