While Montana isn’t typically high on the list for chasing fall colors, our region may surprise you. The mountains and valleys welcome an array of autumn foliage, with a particular emphasis on golds, yellows and oranges. From the glacial-carved terrain of Glacier National Park to the tree-lined avenues near downtown Kalispell, there are abundant places in northwest Montana to soak up the changing colors of autumn.

Tamarack trees – also known as western larch – add a unique golden color palette to Montana and are exclusive to the northwest. They grow in the Columbia River drainage, with habitat that spans from the Cascade Range in Washington to the Rocky Mountains in Montana and north to British Columbia. While many similar looking trees are evergreen, western larch are deciduous pines which means that each fall, the needles turn yellow before dropping, showcasing their beauty.

A few fun facts about Montana’s much-loved trees:

  • Western larch, the largest of the larch genus, can grow up to 150 feet tall and live over 700 years
  • Larch grow quickly and typically grow three to four feet each year
  • The world’s largest recorded larch tree, nicknamed “Gus,” can be found near Seeley Lake, about 90 minutes south of Kalispell
  • Larch do not like shade
  • They have thick bark, which helps make them fire resistant

Beyond chasing the vibrant fall colors of western larch, autumn offers warm days, cool nights and fewer visitors. Recommended activities for soaking in Montana’s landscapes include floating the Middle Fork of the Flathead River, biking the Rails to Trails of Northwest Montana, hiking the trails on Blacktail Mountain, trekking with llamas in the Swan Mountains and exploring the Hungry Horse Reservoir area, renowned for its tamarack forests.